The Coconino County Emergency Management website has a great deal of useful information regarding emergency notifications, Ready-Set-Go, wildland fire, severe winter weather, and more.
Also see Radio85931.
Forest Lakes Fire District, the Coconino County Sheriff’s Office, the Coconino County Office of Emergency Management and the Amateur Radio Emergency Services have jointly developed a documented protocol that is now in place to ensure emergency service communications under all circumstances.
Forest Lakes residents need to know what to do in case of emergency when normal telephone, internet, and cell phone communications are not available.
1. Turn on your scanner radio, tune it to the Forest Lakes Fire channel (155.760 MHz) and listen for instructions. You will also be able to hear the fire and medical operational calls.
2. If you have an emergency or require outside communications, go to the fire station for assistance.
3. If your situation is not an immediate emergency, consider driving toward Payson for medical services or to get within range of a working cell tower.
4. Additional emergency preparedness information is available through a number of sources, including FEMA at
When wildfires ignite, they can spread very quickly. Preparedness now will help save lives and homes. It’s important to know how to evacuate and what to bring with you. If wild land fires are threatening our area, listen to your radio, scanner or television for reports and evacuation information. Follow the directions of local authorities (Coconino County Sheriff).
* Pets ..... and livestock too
* Papers ..... Important documents
* Prescriptions ..... Medications, eye glasses, hearing aids, etc.
* Pictures ..... Irreplaceable memories
* Personal Computer ..... Information on hard drives and discs
* Collect valuables, important documents, medications, and other personal items in one place and be ready to evacuate if necessary.
* What you can fit in your vehicle is what you can take. Make priorities by determining what is replaceable and what is not.
* Maintain a disaster supplies kit. This includes a first aid kit, emergency tools, a battery-powered radio and flashlight, extra batteries, car keys, credit cards, water and non-perishable food. Also consider blankets and sleeping bags.
* Determine your need to have coverings for windows and skylights to increase fire resistance. Have these coverings readily accessible.
* Have a means of transporting pets and livestock readily available.
* Make sure the needs of children and elderly or disabled family members are met.
* Clearly post your name and address, so it can be seen from the street.
* Establish and practice a family evacuation plan and meeting location. Determine who you will notify about your evacuation. Determine where you get fire updates from reliable sources.
Park your vehicle facing out. Put your valuables in your car. Place the car keys where you can find them quickly.
Dress appropriately. Wear sturdy shoes, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt, gloves and a bandana.
Confine or secure your pets to one room or area. Prepare them to be transported.
Move all flammable furniture (including outdoor furniture) to the center of your home.
Keep your electricity on and leave some lights on.
Close shutters, blinds, and heavy drapes. Remove lightweight drapes and curtains.
Close fireplace dampers and fireplace screens.
Shut all interior and exterior doors, and leave them unlocked.
Place a note attached to the front door stating the names of evacuees, the time and date of your evacuation, your destination, and your contact information.
For your home, always have on hand:
Three days of non-perishable food and water (one gallon per day per family member)
First aid kit and extra supply of medication
Personal hygiene supplies, extra clothing, footwear, gloves, blankets, sleeping bags
Extra food for pets and livestock
Flashlight, extra batteries, candles and a battery operated radio
Alternate heat source (kerosene, wood, etc.)
Full propane tank (if applicable)
Extra set of car keys, cash, credit cards
Snow shovels and a snow breaker for driveway windrows
An emergency plan for the entire family
For your vehicle, follow these preparedness tips:
Winterize your vehicle (antifreeze, wipers, battery, snow tires)
Carry an emergency kit consisting of tire chains or cables, blankets, tow strap, jumper cables, flashlight, water, first aid kit, ice scraper, extra clothing, and appropriate tools
Keep the gas tank at least half full
When traveling, let someone know your intended route and expected time of arrival
Allow extra time for travel
Extra blankets and food.
Additional Tips….
Do remember that our fabulous Forest Lakes Fire District has an on-duty crew available 24/7 for emergency and medical needs.
Do remember that we have a fabulous Coconino County Sheriff’s Deputy who lives in Forest Lakes whose duty is to be sure everyone obeys the law.